Project Coordinator
An ambitious 2.5 year project (April 2021 - October 2023) working with artists and local communities in Seedhill, Paisley to inspire community potential, create a sense of place, celebrate local identity.
Lead by RIG Arts in partnership with Williamsburgh Housing Association and One Ren.
Funded by Creative Scotland through the Culture Collective.
As Project Coordinator, I was responsible for:
developing the arts strategy for the project, identifying core themes & informal partnerships with local organisations and stakeholders
hiring, managing and mentoring of Lead Workshop Artists, Residency Artists and project support team, assisting with ideas and artwork development
scheduling workshops and other artist-community engagement
planning, producing, managing community fun day events
budget management
managing of relationships with our project partners, Williamsburgh Housing Association and One Ren and a steering group comprising of project partner representatives and local community residents
representing RIG Arts within the Culture Collective
Key highlights:
securing a further £19k for the area through 3 additional funding avenues
contributing to content and cultural output within the Culture Collective including writing on failure and speaking on the panel for the Spotlight event which was subsequently included in their podcast
Catalogue of Artworks Produced (Incomplete):
People's Map of Seedhill, Katharine Macfarlane
The map was designed using feedback and responses to digital prompts Katharine made and posted in Seedhill facebook groups, as well as via postcards and collection boxes. As such, the map is a memory-map overlaid over the street map of Seedhill.
Seedhill Strengths (Community Map), Skyler Ridewood
Skyler developed a comprehensive community map for Seedhill, consulting with community members and residents on what assets are of value to them and should be included on the map. He also delivered design sessions with children and young people to develop asset icons and illustrations for the map.
Seedhill EVOLVES, Seamus Killick
Seamus created this zine during his time as Lead Workshop Artist as a way of creatively recording the time he spent leading the kids art club. It features photos, illustrations and text by and of Seamus and all participants.
Winter in Seedhill, Seamus Killick
Seamus made this film during his time as Artist in Residence. It features footage from audition tapes for MhZ’s performance, STRUT, which the EVOLVE team supported.
The Phoegull of Seedhill, Seamus Killick
A lo-fi film featuring costumes, masks and performances designed, made and performed by the young people Seamus worked with during the kids art workshops, as well as footage from some of the parents.
Eulogy for Eunice, Seamus Killick
Seamus made this film during his time as Artist in Residence, in response to the cancellation of our fun day and MhZ’s STRUT performance. It features footage from sessions with the kids at the art club.
EVOLVE Seedhill, Marie-Claire Lacey
Marie created this zine, printed with 3 different covers featuring children's artwork, as a round-up of her time as Lead Artist for our weekly Seedhill kid's art club
CIRCLE circle, Seamus Killick and Nicola Stead
Seamus and Nicola worked collaboratively with service users at CIRCLE over a period of weeks to develop and design this piece. The pieces merges Seamus’ and Nicola’s distinct aesthetic styles, skills and mediums and was made in direct response to the desires of, and in collaboration with, the group participants. The piece features analogue photography taken by the participants, taken on photo-walks around the local area and using disposable cameras in their own time.