Romp Around
Lead Artist in rotation/ collaboration with
Leah Miller-Biot and Nadia Rossi and host in collaboration with Usma Ashraf and MILK
Arts-led/informed stay-and-play sessions for parents/carers and their 5s and under.
Lead by Rumpus Room

As Lead Artist, I have been responsible for:
developing creative activities to engage both parents/carers as well as young children and babies
welcoming participants and creating a warm, friendly and psychologically accessible space
thinking critically and strategically about how the project can become sustainable, with the hope that it will be handed over to the community of parents/carers to run
As Lead Artist, my particular focuses have been: sensory play and prompts to encourage connection and calm through sensory exploration, both for adults and children; and exploring the rest and play. These focuses tie into my broader research research interests of m*thers in the arts, both as audiences/participants/attendees and artists.
This project is ongoing.